Oldest Craft Brewery in Europe

Craft Beer In Europe

If you’re like me, you have been a part of the craft beer craze in the states during the last decade. The types and flavors of beers coming out nowadays are simply amazing. But we all had to start somewhere, right?! As you might have imagined, the craft beer industry was born in Europe and still thrives there today. Their craft beers may be different from ours here in the states, but they are amazing in their own right. Keep reading to learn more about the oldest craft brewery in Europe.

The oldest craft brewery in Europe is the Bavarian State Brewery of Weihenstephan Abbey; it isn’t only the first brewery in Europe but worldwide. The Weinhenstephan brewery is in Germany, and brewing began there in 1040. That means that this brewery has been producing wheat beer for approximately 1000 years! How crazy is that?!

This brewery conducts guided tours and has a brewery museum. People from all around the world come to visit the first-ever brewery in Europe. The museum displays the history of Bavarian State Brewery, and it also offers its visitors' beer tasting session at the end. The brewery is now working under the Bavarian Government.

The building

The building was initially a Benedictine monastery that has been an operating brewery in Weinhenstephan and partially in Friezing - Germany, since 1040. The building has architectural value and is visited quite often. Astonishingly, it started operating in 768 according to historical documents, but the brewery gained its license in 1040, which is why this date is the one that is recongnized.

Brewing process

The oldest craft brewery in Europe produces Hefeweizen, i.e., wheat beer. Although the brewing process is now using the latest technologies, the major process remains very similar to what is was when it originally opened. The Weinhenstephan brewing process has 5 significant steps.

Mash house: Beer mash is prepared from wheat or barley malt and water.

Fermentation: Yeast is added to start fermentation.

Storage Cellar: Beer is stored to mature.

Filter System: On this stage, the beer is filtered from impurities.

Barreling and Bottling: Since the beer is now ready, it is barreled and bottled for consumers.


Continuing to provide a beer with excellent quality isn’t a one and done thing. The brewery consistently works on how they can improve quality and earn loyal customers. Being so particular about their beer has earned them high regard in the brewing industry worldwide.

Interested in trying the world’s oldest beer? Reach out to me and let’s plan a trip around Germany where you can enjoy an abundance of flavor you can’t get here.


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