Make your dollar stretch further in Europe

Not every trip you go on has to been ungodly expensive. Shoot, it doesn’t even have to be kinda expensive. Most people, when they think of a trip to Europe, they think “Cha-Ching!” Is that the case sometimes? Yes, of course. But it doesn’t have to be on the trip you take. I have taken trips to Europe that have cost less than a trip to California…and the travel time was less. Think about that for a minute. I get it, Europe is an entire ocean away…but that doesn’t mean it’s far. And it doesn’t mean it’s more expensive than places in the USA. In actuality, some places in Europe are MUCH more cost effective than the states. Here are couple that come to mind right away.


Hotel: $20-$50/night 

Dinner: $10/person

Metro Ride: $1

Coffee: $1

Beer: $2

KRAKOW, POLAND - Average Costs:

Hotel: $30-$50/night

Dinner: $7/person

Metro Ride: $.70

Coffee: $1

Beer: $2

BUDPEST, HUNGARY - Average Costs:

Hotel: $25-$40/night

Dinner: $8/person

Metro Ride: $1.50

Coffee: $1

Beer: $1

LISBON, PORTUGAL - Average Costs:

Hotel: $30-$50/night

Dinner: $15/person

Metro Ride: $2

Coffee: $1

Beer: $3

SEVILLE, SPAIN - Average Costs:

Hotel: $30-$40/night

Dinner: $14/person

Metro Ride: $5

Coffee: $1

Beer: $3

The list of countries like this is actually much longer than you might think...this is just 5 of the top choices.

Rule of thumb when trying to find the best budget destinations for your trip- stay away from the major cities. I get it- you want to see Paris. But you can stay in a location near Paris and day trip in for the day. Or, instead of staying inside the city for 4 nights, try 3 nights outside of the city and 1 night inside.

There are many ways you can make your dollar stretch further and I am here to help you along the way. Reach out and let's talk. 


Underrated European Attractions


Foods to Try in Europe